Bird-Day Cakes: a pictorial

A few years ago, I was inspired by a gal named Valerama to learn to make suet cakes for birds with the fat leftover from the food we eat.  Here is a pictorial of how we do it.  I often find a good price on ground beef that is high in fat.  To make it healthier,... Continue Reading →

Before You Buy More Than You Need…

Oh, how those racks and racks of colorful seed packs make me smile!  They're popping up in stores right now.  And here come the cheerful catalogs in the mail!  But before you go out and buy more than you need, I have another idea for you.  It's time to put some thought into what we will plant and how many... Continue Reading →

Birdwatching: Our Favorite Indoor Sport

A few years ago, Silverback built a window seat for me.  Just outside my window seat is a large late-blooming lilac tree.  You might guess that my favorite part of the view from that window seat would be the giant perfumed puffs of lilac flowers each summer, but you'd be wrong.  The most glorious part of that tree is... Continue Reading →

Mrs. Frisbie, Where Have You Been?!

Many of you have been wondering what is happening in the Frisbie house.  After a long vacation from writing during the extended holiday season, I'm back and ready to blah blah blog!  We visited friends and family, ate shamefully decadent food, enjoyed the snowfalls, and now we are slowly getting back into a regular routine. With... Continue Reading →

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